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Editorial: Exploring EdTech Issue 5

Writer: EditorEditor

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

Editor: Marcus T. Lavery


Welcome to Issue #5 of Exploring EdTech Ireland and the start of a new academic year! I am delighted to take on the reins as Editor, a new experience for me and one which I look forward to immensely, particularly as it coincides with the beginning of my undergraduate studies at the University of Limerick - let's explorer education and technology together!

Since our first issue back in February 2021, Exploring EdTech has encountered a great community of teachers, leaders and edtech companies willing to share their experiences and expertise.

It is amazing to see how much technology has been developed and customised to our educational needs at primary and secondary. Teachers, with the help of great technology, stepped into the breach during the pandemic and kept the education system afloat.

This edtech revolution is gathering speed and we, in the education and technology community, will need to match the progress with much more targeted training and more responsive edtech products that meet and exceed our learners’ wildest dreams as we see machine learning and AI take front seats in the classroom of the future.

My sincerest thanks go to our writers who, under constant pressure to deliver great learning experiences for their students, manage to find time to write for this magazine. I would also like to thank our supporters and advertisers who help defray the cost of publishing Exploring EdTech Ireland.

Get in Touch

Please feel free to contact me with any ideas and suggestions for future issues.

Marcus A. Lavery, Editor, October 6th, 2021

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