ISSN : 2811- 6224
Welcome to Issue #3 of Exploring EdTech Ireland!
Our feature article this issue by Robbie O'Connell, a highly respected and edtech savvy primary school Principal delves into the continued delivery of quality education during the Covid lockdowns and considers what lessons can be learned by the education community for the future.
We cover a whistlestop introduction to Wakelets, an incredible venture into augmented reality in education with Cleverbooks and an overview of the Reel Life Science and Tech Festival. Jennifer McGarry brings us on a tour of what a Makey Makey is, in advance of her interview with the inventor in the next issue.
Sinead O' Callaghan introduces the Exit Entry online careers platform and we spend some time in the world of Makers and Makerspace, a subject which we will devote a regular section to in future issues, capably drawn together by master maker himself, Chris Reina.
In the third regular tech support section, Val Gavin covers wireless and wired network issues in schools and reveals some ever-handy hints and tips, Steps Recorder is a new favourite!